At first is Pyrenees. It is roller coasters. Its height is 45 meters and maximum speed is 100 km/h. If you like a roller coaster, you should ride it.

Next is Splash Montserrat.

These pictures are Adventure Lagoon and Swing Santa Maria. Adventure Lagoon is a attraction which bord on a ship. You can see many monsters and characters. You will be taken old castle escaping the attack of pirates. Swing Santa Maria is a viking. Your body is risen a moment. Once you ride this attraction, you will want to ride again. These attractions are full of thrills.
After you enjoy thrills, how about riding on Fiesta Train? It goes round the Fiesta Plaza. Wheelchaures also ride this , everyone can enjoy beautiful landscape.

If you want to get more infornation about attractions of Parque Espana, this site will give you more infomation. Please chack it!
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